Publication date: May 2009
The Sleepers Part I
David Carter is on the phone in his office in Sydney Australia discussing the Kryptonian situation when suddenly Nightwing arrives and punches him through many floors of his building. Flamebird also arrives, but Carter comes back, attacking both of them. The fight goes outside over the harbor, where Nightwing reveals they know who he is, a Kryptonian named Tor-An. That distracts him enough for Flamebird to quickly immobilize him, and capture him. General Lane isn’t thrilled to see yet another super-hero on Earth. Ursa reviews a conversation she had with Alura, with Alura warning her about Thora Ak-Var’s stability. She talks with General Zod, and they remember the sleeper agents they have placed on Earth. Nightwing and Flamebird go to the Fortress of Solitude to secure Tor-An, and reveal themselves to be Thora Ak-Var and Chris Kent [Lor-Zod], somehow aged. After reviewing the names of the other criminals that Chris knows have been placed as sleeper agents, Chris has another aging attack, and tells Thora that he doesn’t know what causes it. Suddenly Ursa appears, intending to execute them.
NB: This item is in a used condition.