Legion of Super-Heroes #8


The Shape of Death

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  • Written by PAUL LEVITZ Art and cover by YILDIRAY CINAR & WAYNE FAUCHER As votes come in from across the galaxy for the next Legion leader, Chameleon Boy enlists Yera in the hunt for their fellow shape-shifting Durlans, convinced that more are at work to destroy the United Planets. On sale DECEMBER 22   40 pg, FC

Publication date: February 2011

The Shape of Death

As two of the Durlans attack Brande’s former assistant, the Durlan who took Chief Zendak’s form attacks Cosmic Boy, but the Legionnaires’ training and abilities allow them to overcome the shape-shifters. In the aftermath of the attacks, Cosmic Boy and Element Lad tally the votes for the new Legion leader and declare Mon-El the winner.

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