S.H.I.E.L.D. #4


Chapter Four: The Madness, The Star Child, and the Celestial Madonna

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Written by JONATHAN HICKMAN Penciled by DUSTIN WEAVER Cover by GERALD PAREL Historical Variant by DUSTIN WEAVER Vampire Variant by MIKE MAYHEW “THE MADNESS, THE STAR CHILD AND THE CELESTIAL MADONNA” The hottest book of 2010 continues! The world is still shaking from the revelations of #3 and there are more where those came from. IN THIS ISSUE- The true history of Nostradamus, the defeat of a Celestial at the hands of a mortal man and HOW THE WORLD ENDS! Oh, and Jonathan Hickman (FANTASTIC FOUR) and Dustin Weaver (X-MEN) have also created the most troubling idea ever-THE FOETUS OF GOD! 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$2.99

Publication date: December 2010

Chapter Four: The Madness, The Star Child, and the Celestial Madonna

Leonardo midwives the birth of a Celestial and Leonid frees Nostradamus.

NB: This item is in a used condition.