Stan Sakai (W/A) The rabbit ronin becomes an unsuspecting participant as two lords engage in a dangerous, high-stakes gamble. With a state visit from Lord Hikiji nearing, the lords engage in a game of death and honor in which the whole countryside is the playing field. What a time for Usagi to be in the area . . . o A tale involving Lord Hikiji, the murderer of Usagi's master! “Humbly presented but a paragon of its art.” -Booklist
Publication date: November 2011
Ice Runners
Usagi meets Hayashi and Kubo, who are attempting to run ice from the mountaints to Lord Hikiji’s palace to win a wager set between their Lord Ito and his rival Lord Motooka. Usagi helps guard the two runners as various hired men; Kubo is injured and Hayashi killed, but Usagi delivers the ice safely, winning the favour of Lord Ito.
NB: This item is in a used condition.